Project “Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!” was presented for schools’ managers, teachers, as well to other non-formal education providers during Erasmus+ programme’s project’s “Teachers Training Programme to Support Gifted and Talented Students” (GATE) international meeting which was organized face to face in Kaunas. Auditorium was acquainted with project aim, activities in progress and link to our project website.


Project “Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!” was presented for schools’ managers, teachers, as well to other non-formal education providers during Erasmus+ programme’s project’s “TREE” partners international meeting which was organized face to face in Kaunas. Auditorium was acquainted with project aim, activities in progress and link to our project website.

Project “Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!” was presented for schools’ managers, teachers, as well to other non-formal education providers during Erasmus+ programme’s project’s “Promotion of FINancial Literacy in primary and secondary EDUcation through gamification and DIGItal storytelling (DigiFinEdu) partners meeting” international meeting which was organized face to face in Kaunas. Auditorium was acquainted with project aim, activities in progress and link to our project website.

Project “Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!” was presented for schools’ managers, teachers, as well to other non-formal education providers during Erasmus+ programme’s “POSITIVE” project meeting, which was organized online on the 19th of January, 2022. Auditorium was acquainted with project aim, activities in progress and link to our project website.

This is already half of the project!

Half of the project is behind us and we are not slowing down!
The “Project „Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!” project brings very good results and we are very pleased with the opportunities that this project opens up for us.

Thanks to the project, we make participants aware of the situation of foster care in Poland, Portugal and Lithuania. We increase participants’ knowledge of foster care and promote it internationally.
Currently, we are working on webinars and helpdesks, which we will be able to share with you at the end of the project.
Stay tuned!

International conference „Sėkmingos globos link. 2021”

On December 2 and 3, 2021. Mrs. Katarzyna Costła-Hus Deputy Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory and Mrs. Katarzyna Kaniepień, Head of the Provincial Adoption Center in Katowice, Branch in Rybnik, participated online in the international conference entitled “Sėkmingos globos link. 2021 ” organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in Lithuania. Above people in their speeches referred to the topic of the organization of foster care and adoption in Poland. In addition to the above-mentioned people, speeches on foster care and adoption were presented by specialists from Lithuania and Great Britain. Over 600 viewers attended the conference online. The participation of the Social Welfare Center in Żory in the international conference was possible thanks to the implementation of the project “The Academy of Conscious Parent – a replacement parent urgently wanted”.

Click to see the presentation

Check conferences on YouTube

Visit to promote the project “Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed” in the Provincial Adoption Center in Katowice, branch in Rybnik

On October 28, 2021 The Deputy Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory, Ms Katarzyna Costła-Hus, went to a visit promoting the “Conscious Parent Academy” project at the Provincial Adoption Center in Katowice, Branch in Rybnik. In addition to discussing the principles of the project, the Provincial Adoption Center in Rybnik was invited by the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory to participate in a conference for child protection services, municipalities, and foster family support centers organized by Lithuania. In the photo, the Deputy Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory is accompanied by the Head of the Provincial Adoption Center in Katowice, Branch in Rybnik, Mrs. Katarzyna Kaniepień


Working meeting in Instituto de Apoio à Criança

On November 18-19, a meeting on the “„Conscious Parent Academy – Replacement parent urgently needed!”” project was held in Portugal. The meeting was hosted by partners from Instituto de Apoio à Criança. The meeting was attended by partners from:

  • Fundacja na rzecz edukacji – SMART,
  • Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Żorach,
  • Instituto de Apoio à Criança,
  • Viešoji įstaiga Mano šeimos akademija.

During the meeting, we focused primarily on:

  • Considerations about the assessment process of foster families,
  • feedback and next steps for the project, like: next training, help-desk and webinar.

During the meeting we visited IAC’s facilities, like:
• The Intervention Support Van,
• Education and Training Centre,
• The Social Office.

It was a very fruitful meeting that contributed a lot to the project.